Relationship issues including domestic violence

/Relationship issues including domestic violence

Linda Baird, MA, LPC
Certified Hakomi Therapist
Certified EMDR Therapist
Certified Yoga Instructor

(303) 507-6310
click here to email

BodyMind Integration, LLC
750 E. 9th Ave. #201
Capitol Hill Healing Center
Denver, CO 80203

Additional offices in Boulder
and Frisco, CO

Relationship issues including domestic violence

Relationship issues, as well as attraction to a particular person, usually  begin with the family of origin. We tend to pick partners that somehow resemble one or both of our parents. If we were fortunate enough to be brought up in a family with loving, supportive parents who genuinely loved each other and were able to provide us with a safe, secure and loving environment, we are more likely to attract the same qualities in a partner. However, if we were raised with physical or emotional abuse, or with parents who were unable to provide us with a loving, stable environment, we will likely (in an uncanny way) attract similar attributes in a partner.

Relationship difficulties may also stem from unresolved attachment issues with the primary caregiver that date back to early childhood.