Linda Baird, MA, LPC
Certified Hakomi Therapist
Certified EMDR Therapist
Certified Yoga Instructor

(303) 507-6310

BodyMind Integration, LLC
750 E. 9th Ave. #201
Capitol Hill Healing Center
Denver, CO 80203

Additional offices in Boulder
and Frisco, CO

The Four Desires

According to the ancient yogic tradition, your soul has four distinct desires:
  1. The desire to express your unique purpose
  2. The desire for the means to prosper in the material world
  3. The desire for pleasures: love, intimacy, beauty
  4. The desire for spiritual fulfillment and lasting freedom

The Four Desires is the culmination of my teacher’s 35-year journey into a concise blueprint for finding our soul’s purpose, creating a life of purpose, happiness, prosperity and freedom through spiritual fulfillment. I came to ParaYoga through The Four Desires, after crossing paths with Rod Stryker at a Yoga Journal conference in Estes Park, Colorado in the fall of 2011 when he was talking with a friend who was holding the book in her hand. I immediately bought the book, began working through the practices and did my first Four Desires workshop in May 2012. It was life-changing.

While there are numerous New Age paths and practices for manifesting the life of your dreams, the Four Desires is based in ancient Vedic teachings, which say that the soul has these four desires:  purpose, the means to achieve that purpose, pleasure and spiritual fulfillment. The Four Desires process helps uncover what is in the way of achieving our deepest driving desire, or soul purpose. The process also includes specific meditation practices and exercises designed to get beyond the surface level of the thinking mind (really the tip of the iceberg) to the deepest level of our soul. The book is full of real-life stories of transformation, as well as Rod’s own personal story. I know these stories to be true, as I know some of the people personally.

It is a great and profound honor to be a Certified Four Desires trainer, as I have full faith and commitment to this transformative process.