“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo

Do you ever feel like your true nature is buried under all the ‘stuff’ of life?

What if your innate greatness is not something to reach outward for, but something inside of you, waiting to have the ‘marble’ carved away?

The Four Desires process is just that. And you can do it in a supportive environment, in a caring way, in any of my upcoming series.

angel in marbleMaybe you’re aware of some of the excess that has snuck in – the things that are no longer serving you? Or maybe you look around and everything seems to be of high importance.

The Four Desires process is like a laser – it helps you cut right to the core of what is really important to you, so the rest can fall away.

One of the ways it does this is to ask really big questions like:

  • How do you want to be remembered by those you love and respect the most?
  • What are your greatest internal obstacles towards your deepest desires?
  • What does ‘a life well lived’ look like for you?

These are not questions we answer in a second and experience in a week. These questions are best taken to heart, with plenty of time, space and care, optimally in a supportive community of others who are in their own process alongside you.

If this sounds like a nourishing next step in your life, learn more about the Four Desires Course HERE or contact me at 303-507-6310. I would love to hear your thoughts and help determine if this is a good fit for you now.