Feeling grateful

Summer is in full bloom here in Colorado. We are having an abundance of both moisture and sunshine!  The earth is alive with green, wildflowers, and flowing rivers and streams. These summers reminds me of the summers of my childhood. I’m filled with gratitude for having spent the majority of my life in this beautiful place.

With the onset of summer, I recently finished the seventh and final week of my first Four Desires virtual series.  While it was a new endeavor to venture into the virtual world, I am very pleased that the group participants were fully engaged in the Four Desires process.  With each call, I felt their presence and the deepening connections that were forming as they shared.  I looked forward to every call. After each call, I came away energized and excited about continuing to grow my involvement with this transformative process.

What’s next?

For those who have completed a series (virtual or in-person) and would like on-going support to further integrate the learning; I am offering a Four Desires sangha (community) that meets once a month in my Denver office.   This is a two-hour group that includes a hatha yoga (asana) practice with a related theme, followed by meditation and focused discussion of The Four Desires process.  We address how to use it in day-to-day life, including the challenges that arise.

My heart’s desire is to continue growing my work with The Four Desires.  Through BodyMind Integrative Therapy, I will be offering two new Four Desires series in the fall. One in the beginning and one at the end of September.  One will be an in-person group and one a virtual group. Each series will be 7-weeks long.   The in-person group will begin with an asana practice.   Additional handouts, a Facebook private group, and individual attention will be offered for both groups.   We may also consider offering the Four Desires in a long weekend format, as well.  I am open to possibility and input.

We would love to work with you!

If you are interested in joining me on this rich and transformative journey this fall, either in-person or virtually, please send me an email so I can put you on the list.

Also, let me know which format you prefer, and if you would prefer a long weekend as opposed to the seven-week format.

With gratitude,
