“Everyone has been made
for some particular work,
and the desire for that work
has been put
in every heart.”
– Rumi

It’s a common human experience to feel frustrated…

…when we continuously want something, and are taking actions towards it, but have yet to receive it. Can you think of a desire like this in your life, that feels out of reach, and yet you really want it?

We have desires every day, most of which are passing, and don’t need to be fulfilled (chocolate for breakfast, playing hookie again, telling that person what you really think). Those aren’t the desires I’m referring to. I’m talking about the really deep, big desires that come from the core of our being. The ones that when listened to, acted on, and fully manifest, help us to feel that life has meaning. That we’re here on purpose. That we are contributing to our happiness and to the greater whole.

Do you have one of these types of desires? Many of us go blank at this question, we don’t know what our deepest heart desire is.

The different types of desires

These are the types of desires, that when reflected upon later in life, measure individual fulfillment. You know, the ones that go something like:

“I always wanted to tell that person how much I cared, but I feared rejection.”
“I signed up for art classes, but I didn’t go… I guess I was afraid of disappointing myself.”

Notice that the reasons we don’t act on our deep desires often boil down to fear. Fear is fed by our limiting core beliefs and traumatic memories. These are often unconscious, and yet they tend to run our lives and limit us.

Thus, one of the ways we can manifest our deep desires more effectively and easily is to become fully aware of our fears. Sounds scary, right?! This is why we enlist support from others. I work with many different methods to be aware of our fears, in order to live more fully. One of the most effective ways I’ve found is in The Four Desires process.

What changed for me?

This process has allowed me to release old hurts and unwanted emotional patterns. I feel more at peace and steadier through the ups and downs of life. I also notice that my intentions, and my deep desires have begun to manifest more quickly.

Faster manifestation equals a lot less frustration, anger and confusion! There are many ripple effects. As I have shared this method for more effective realization of one’s desires, I’ve seen it work well for those people, too!

I wonder… how would your life change if you knew how to reliably manifest your strongest intentions and deepest desires? Would you feel more confident, willing to try new things and follow your heart?

Would you allow yourself to fully know what you deeply desire? Could it fuel you to take actions over time towards fulfilling that desire? Might you rest in the knowing that despite the risk of failure, it is worth the effort to pursue your deepest hearts desire? Comment below!

To learn more about this process, click the links below, or contact me at 303-507-6310.