I truly love and agree with the saying, “In order to love someone else, you have to love yourself first”. So, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I want to share with you my top 10 Ways To Practice Self-Love.

  1. Discover something new about yourself.
  2. Stop being so hard on yourself, grow from the experience and move on.
  3. Improve your weakness, but don’t forget to honor your strength.
  4. Make a list of 5 things you love doing, and do them frequently.
  5. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are amazing just the way you are.
  6. Have a cup of tea in bed, relax, and read a good book.
  7. Take 15 minutes (yes, that’s all it takes) out of your day and meditate.
  8. Look in the mirror. Admire your face, your body, every inch of yourself.
  9. Stay away from people who are negative and only add drama to your life.
  10. Nurture your dreams, even if they don’t seem possible right now.

Let’s share the LOVE.

Help me add items to this list and share in the comments below what your favorite ways to practice self-love are.

With Gratitude,

Linda Baird